Monday, 25 May 2020

Māori New Year facts

  1. did you know that the reappearance of Matariki in mid-winter mark is the Maori new year 
  2. Matariki is a cluster of stars.
3 .The name for winter in Māori is hotoke.



Friday, 22 May 2020

Past self letter

How has lockdown Carlos.
What did you do when you were in lockdown ? What did you like doing?
Did you like playing outside and did you miss your friends and going to school.
Did you like hanging out with your family and did you go swimming in your creek.
Did you like waking up and 830 to get redey for the class call and doign work at home.

Whis letter is for our past self in lock down and ask how it was.


this weeks math is very confusing and that is why i did not finish it because it was hard but i enjoyed doing it

Talent show.

This is my talent show entrey that we and to do at home or at school but i did it at home.