Friday 17 May 2019

Wellington Camp

Wellington Camp

We wait for the ferry to come the ferry came and we went on it and sat down until we started to move then Me, Max and Jacob got a drink and candy and went down to the seat and started watching YouTube for 1 hour and then a lady came and asked us to go with her to the captains cabin.  We got to see what they do in the cabin, then we got a free drink and a cookie each then we went back and watched some more youtube then I played a game with Max. It was donkey then we were at the harbour.

By Carlos                                     Me driving the ferry.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carlos,

    You never told me you got to drive the ferry - how exciting! Does the ferry have a steering wheel like a car? How did it feel when you were driving the ferry? (Were you ever worried you might crash it?). One thing which you could do to improve your writing is to read it out loud to someone else and ask them to help you work out where your sentences end. (Sometimes it is easier to 'hear' where sentences end as that is where we tend to pause.) This could help you put your punctuation in the right place so it is easier for your reader to read.

    Keep up the great work, and I hope you enjoyed football today!

    Miss H


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.